Portraits are a Global Thing
When I’m stuck for something to blog about, it means it’s time for a military story. I can only stretch “I liked 2013!” into so many cliché words that everyone else is chatting about right now. ‘Tis the season for reflection, and I can’t deny that. I just can’t stretch something that won’t stretch! Portraits It was 2004, and I was deployed to Iraq. Our base was once an Iraqi base, and it was still showing signs of the first Gulf War. The Iraqi military didn’t clean up a lot of the first mess. There was even a downed, Russian built helicopter near one of the buildings my shop supported. One afternoon I was tired of being cooped up in our windowless shop. The day had been a particularly long one so far. I excused myself with pretenses of using the porta potty (In all honestly, I really had to go, but there were no rules against taking your time). I walked to the abandoned shower/bathrooms on the other side of our building. The abandoned showers had been thoroughly gutted and n...