
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Man in the High Castle S3 Trailer!

I’ve been meaning to make a recap post ever since they dropped that badass trailer, but every time I sit down and think about it, I change my S3 theories and have more and more questions. Here is the trailer for those of you who haven't seen it yet or just want to enjoy 2 minutes of badassary: Season 3 Official Trailer I don’t even know where to begin! There are so many things going on in a multiverse of directions, that my head hurts (in a good way)! One thing is for certain: Season 3 is going to differ greatly from the previous two seasons. Is that good or bad? Only October 5th can tell. My Takeaways: 1. The Resistance plays a huge role in this season with Juliana at the helm, gathering support, sharing the films, and lighting a fire under people who were otherwise complacent.    2. There is a growing movement against Chief Inspector Kido that turns violent at one point (the clip they played at SDCC made it look like they were angry about fuel prices, but it s

Sketching Through Those Hot Summer Days

How is everyone’s summer so far? I feel like Summer is always the shortest season—probably because it’s my favorite. Time flies when you’re having fun! I’ve done a lot of drawing over the past few months. It’s crazy to look at art I’ve done just a few years ago  last year!?!?!? and see how different my style is now. And no, I didn't realize I did that Kathy drawing last year. I thought I did it in 2016! Mind blown. I don’t know what spurred the change. I just remember having a severe case of art block sometime last year. On a whim, I started sketching a photo as it appeared because I couldn’t think of anything to draw (I can’t remember which one, but it was probably High Castle related. I’d bet money on it, ha ha!). I enjoyed shading and sketching like that, so I kept doing it! It's honestly therapeutic, especially after a long day's work. I'll normally find a documentary on YouTube, have my reference picture up beside it, and start sketching. Other t