Voldemort Bubble Baths and Boxy Labyrinths

I have some huge news! I am moving out of state, off to seek adventures in new places. I am going where no MLC has gone before. I don’t think I’ll get a chance to update this blog before the big day, so this is a heads up that I will be gone from the Internet for a while (hopefully a very short while, as I love surfing). Mouse clicking is such a therapeutic sport.

Before any move, there are always misadventures to be had in the labyrinth that is packing…Voldemort taking a bubble bath being one of them. I don’t know why he of all my action figures ended up getting an unknown substance on him, but he did. The bubble bath worked wonders, though he wasn’t too happy about it.

Here we can see Alfred Bester and Loki exploring a stack of boxes. They escaped the newspaper wrapping and box stuffing frenzy. Don’t worry: they will be shoved into my purse. What’s a road trip without action figures? A geek must have her priorities straight.

 I love wearing necklaces and rings, so I kept one of each of my favorites out.

 Just so you all have something random to look at while I’m gone, here is a picture of a computer taking a picture of a computer snapping a picture of another computer. …And to think that little 5th grader me laughed when the teacher said that one day computers will be able to fit in the palms of our hands.

The man is Tom Hiddleston as Loki at Comic-Con 2013.

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