10 Days and Back Again

I am watching through Season 3 of The Man in the High Castle and am feeling the urge to write because I haven’t written anything substantial in a long time—that show has a way of inspiring the muse.

I’m watching the final episode tonight, and the fictional stakes couldn’t be any higher, oh how turbulent my emotions are right now.

I’ve been avoiding spoilers by limiting my Internet access all week, while it is easy to do on days I work, the weekends are another story. I can’t wait until this self-imposed Internet exile is over with. I feel like I’ve been missing all the High Castle action on Twitter, but I just can’t binge good, thought provoking shows. I honestly tried!

There’s just something about the anticipation of waiting for the next episode and wondering about your favorite characters that I can’t resist. I love thinking about the previous night’s episode—What is John going to do next? How will Kido react when he sees something? Will Robert survive the trip home? —until I rush home from work to watch the next one. I wish I could beam that feeling directly into your mind! No other show has ever affected me this way.

The only thing I can compare it to is looking forward to the next chapter of a good book and devouring it on your lunch break because you are captivated by its story (okay, so it actually is a great book, but that’s beside the point!).

Here’s a sample of the great lengths I’ve gone to to avoid spoilers:

Smile and laugh, ha ha!

I couldn’t disappear completely, so I blocked off my monitor each night to tweet about each episode. That’s only some of my efforts to avoid spoilers. And with that being said, The Man in the High Castle is the only show I’ve ever gone to such great lengths for.

...Speak of the devil, my phone just alerted me with my weekly usage report, and my “screen time” is down. That's going to change drastically tonight, ha ha!

After this is all said and done, I might do a how to avoid spoilers in 2018 post. I can’t say my tactics are successful yet since there’s still an episode to go!

Until next time (which will most likely be a review of Season 3), Tschüss!


Here is a painting I finished this week in an effort to avoid spoilers. When I break out the paintbrushes, it is a solid chunk of time without being distracted or tempted by the Internet. 

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