Snow Day: 5 Things I Did Last Wednesday

Wednesday brought an unexpected snow day in my neck of the woods, so here are five things I did with the sudden surprise of free time!

1. I worked on Sisters

I finished rewriting the ending—this alternate universe story now has an alternate ending!

I’m still looking for a Beta Reader if anyone’s interested! Look at the goodies that are in store for you in this post: Call for Beta Readers

2.  I took in the waistline of a skirt I ordered online

Heaven forbid women’s’ sizing be consistent even within the same brand! The skirt is beautiful, and I’ll still buy from them, but I’m just a little disappointed that the comfort I had in buying the same size all the time is gone.

What is women’s’ sizing? We just don’t know.

3. I kept checking Twitter in hopes that there was a little announcement from the official HighCastleTV account regarding Season 3…

Hey, I had to include this because it’s true! I kept checking!

4. I started a painting

The mood fit, and I had nothing else to do, so I worked on a snow scene as it fell from the sky and blanketed the yard. It's not finished yet. Who knows, there is a strong possibility of another snow day on Monday ;)

5. I caught up on Social Media: browsing, liking, following, commenting, and messages. 

A snow day was the perfect time to do some catch up!

What did you do on your last unexpected day off?

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