One Grumpy Morning

I take my coffee with almond milk or just straight black. What is your morning go-to drink?

Jadelynn Jackson has a case of the morning grumps
Don't you dare suggest she have a pumpkin spice latte!

The public affairs department is forcing us to "human-ify" the RIA...I mean "Oh, look! We're normal just like you guys!" ...Because being in the RIA somehow makes us Extreme!Human. It's not like we wake up just like regular civilians, whine about going to work, and shake off our crankiness by a super powered drink.

Here's my top secret morning routine! I imagine a lot of this will be diluted into some sort of bland ritual involving "Oh, I must have my pumpkin spice latte before donning my perfectly pressed uniform! Emperor Be Praised!"

Okay, so here it goes. My alarm goes off every morning at five a.m. unless I'm working on a special case or I just pulled an all nighter. You better believe that I slam my fist on that annoying buzz machine. I can't use my chit because one time I threw it across the room and shattered the screen. Yep. Not doing that again.

Once I grumble and curse the morning--Emperor, it's not even light out yet--I throw my covers off, begrudgingly stagger across the room, and pull my workout gear out of my wall locker. A quick sonic shower, change, and Grumpy!Me is heading to RIA headquarters for the most irritating part of my day.

An hour later, I'm back at home. Oh, I'm awake all right, but word to the wise: until I've had my Space Cola (don't knock the lame name 'till you've tried it!) or coffee, steer clear. Steer very clear. You think I'm exaggerating? Ask my neighbor about the time he accidentally knocked on my door to ask me about the fires in Coda Springs. That poor man. That poor, poor man.

Moving on! Okay, so I'm home. I've just had to do an insane workout. I'm cranky. Space Cola. Now. I rip my fridge open and grab the nearest can. Coffee is for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays (days we don't work out).

My mouth waters when it makes that awesome swish sound as I open it. As soon as that first gulp hits my tongue, I'm no longer Scary!Jadelynn, the Friday Night Fright. I take the can, walk over to my balcony, and sit in my favorite chair. I'm not due into the office until eight a.m.

How do you start your morning? Share on Facebook or Twitter! 

* As you can see, I've changed the decor a bit. Expect to see a few tweaks with fonts here and there!

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