In a Parallel Universe...

I'm knitting socks for my 15 cats. What are you doing?

Who is my alternate universe self? How many parallel universes are out there? Yes, these are questions that keep me up at night. Maybe I read too much sci-fi, or maybe my imagination is far too active, but...well, who is my alternate self?

*Warning!* Humor ahead!
~ All in good fun ~

Alternate Self #1
Senior Airman Me has been stationed at the same, stateside base for 10 years, never deployed. She slips through the cracks and does a mediocre job at best. Her uniform is never ironed, but is never crinkled like a ball of foil. She knows how to touch the line without crossing it. Getting promoted or noticed is not on her priority list. Nope.

Her priorities are Legolas, Misty, Bastet, Elrond, Haldir, Princess, Midnight, Thranduil, Tux, Minx, Binx, Pepper, Salt, Katniss, and Spock--her 15 cats. 

SrA Me is getting anxious...she has to get promoted soon, else it's a set of civies for her! Uh Oh! Looks like it's time to clean up all those cat toys and half finished knitting projects!

Alternate Self #2
Where SrA Me is an apathetic cat lover, Master Sergeant Me is awesome. She's seen the world, knows jujitsu, and looks out for her subordinates. Her uniform is always pressed as though she had just walked out of the dry cleaners.

Right now she's staring out a window in some far off place contemplating writing a novel (hey, this *is*  me, after all!). Uh oh! The phone's ringing. It looks like she's going to have to work late.

Who is your alternate self?

What is your alternate self doing right now?
Tell me and the world all about your alternate self on Facebook or Twitter! 

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