Goodbye, Hashtag Glitter Nation

The Command Deck has another special guest today!
Missed the last "guest?" You can catch her post here: Careful With That Selfie!

Aaron Winters from my upcoming story, Stars or Stripes, has something to say about hipsters and memes. He goes by another name, but only close friends are allowed to know it. Boo. I want to know it now!

This pic went viral on the Empire Web underground. 
What does Aaron have to say about it?

A hipster!? Is that what people are calling me these days? I regret hacking one of my chit cards and regret ever creating that underground network in the darkest and most forgotten corner of the Empire Web. The exciting location of my hidden corner is Zoning Regulations: Manufacturing: Textiles: Code by Fabric Type, then find the "Cottons*" folder.

I wanted a place where we could openly discuss things without fear of reprisal by empire authorities...but all people are posting is a bunch of hashtag one liners and cat pictures. With all the bandwidth these silly images and videos take, it will only be a matter of days before RIA watchdogs catch on.

Goodbye, Hashtag Glitter Nation....I'm not even going to share The Great Kittenpurror Sir Meows Clinton meme...All our meows are belong to him.

Oh, and as for me, Cottons*'s creator? I've been turned into a meme as you can see in the image above. I posted this picture the other day (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...*sigh*). Look  what someone did with it!

There goes the end of the Cottons* folder. I wonder if Emperor Clinton will be amused or displeased to find that he has become a kitten adored by the purrletariat. I smell a few arrests in the future, which is why I'm #GettingTheHellOut.

See, I'm with the times. Just because I appreciate the forgotten things in life, it doesn't make me some wannabe, hipster snob! I just now realized that me ranting like this isn't helping my image...

So yep, getting out, deleting Cottons* and all the posts, images, videos, and user data within, and throwing away this hacked chit (I can always hack another).

~Aaron signing off.

P.S. It's not considered rage quitting if you're sparing a handful of people from being taken into RIA custody and arrested.

Stars or Stripes is coming soon to a Command Deck near you!
 Did we mention that it's going to be free?

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