Your Pants Your Way!

I will never not have something to rant about when it comes to women's clothing. I will beat my dead horse until my arm falls off, and even then, I'll find something to hit it with.  This post is meant to be truthful, but most of all, humorous.

This escapade into ill fitting women's clothing is best read with my previous women's clothing rant in mind: Hunting Pockets.

I think I am officially giving up on women's "work" pants. I use the term "work" loosely because designers think our work consists of going to the club and getting our dance on.

There are many women's office pants out there (no pockets, of course) that are not of the Friday night variety, but they are not my focus today. Ladies with blue collar jobs can't wear nice office pants.

My crappy five minute sketch says it all!

My screwdriver looks hot hanging out of my pocket like that. I love how the super low, super slim cut prevents my shirt tales from staying tucked in. I mean, I am rocking these boxes I have to move. I have to look good just for you, Box Cutter and Roll of Tape.

When I go to lift something, my screwdriver and wallet can't contain themselves. I don't mean to be crude, but these super awesome work pants made just for blue collar women give me a bad case of plumber's crack.

~I hope this gave someone of you a few good laughs.

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