Here's to wishing everyone a happy set of holidays no matter which ones you celebrate! What are holidays without gifts? Lucius Sinclair is now (and forever) FREE! Visit my Lulu storefront to download the ebook today! Apple users, keep your eyes peeled (it may take a few weeks for it to show up as free on the iBookstore). *Merry Christmas from the iBookstore because they updated it in record time! Apple users, you can head on over there! The year is Y.E. 0417, and Lucius Sinclair is finally free of his reckless, abusive twin. Where Remus was gifted with wit and brawn, Lucius was plagued with a nasty little trait that the empire exterminates—telepathy. Now that he is attending vocational school and is far away from his brother, Lucius is shocked to find that he is actually excelling at his trade. Just when he feels safe and starts fitting in with his peers, he stumbles into a disturbing truth. It turns out that he’s not the only one harboring a deep, dar...