How to Recover From a Really Bad Day

Yesterday was one of those days where nothing went right, the spirit of Grumpy Cat was in the air, and I seemed to screw everything up. Ah, yes. It was one of THOSE days, the dreaded sort that come once in a blue moon.

♣  Make yourself an awesome dinner. Leftover pizza and hot wings never fails to satisfy a foul mood.
♠  Go on a YouTube binge and put your favorite song on repeat. I went on a Let it Go cover craze.
♥  Pick a hobby and create something (I updated an old Elrond drawing I did last year).
♦  Last but not least, go crazy in a video game! I find this method to be the most therapeutic one out there (aside from taking a walk, but I don't take walks at thanks on that!)

Screenshot is from Star Trek Online

While these ideas may not completely erase the pent up anger a bad day builds, they sure as hell help. Your mind is always going to dwell on every little aspect of things when Grumpy Cat lingers in the air. When it does, combat it with some of the things I mentioned (combine them with things that make you happy), and that pesky voice will eventually die off.

A wild Elrond appears!

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