Coming Up Blank

Not even twitter prompts could jar my muse into action today! I think I know the source of my current, listless state of being. There are some nights when my mind doesn’t know when to shut itself off. I’ll lay there for hours while my busy-body brain chatters about anything and everything. When I do fall asleep, I always wake up an hour or two later, and my mind will start jabbering away all over again.

My mind decided that last night would be the optimal time for it to figure out what type of person I’d be in Middle Earth (I had just finished watching The Hobbit, the new one). I guess determining that I’d be part elf was serious business and had to be decided then and there. Rivendell is such a lovely place. So, to sum this craziness up, I’m really tired right now. 

I finished that neon green/black preview sketch I had posted two weeks ago:

More Babylon 5 fan art (as if I don't draw enough!)

The Burpleberry Newsstand

Mr. Burple Berry was kind enough to stop by and drop off next week’s #FictionFriday prompt, shoes.

Last week’s story:
"The contestant smiles at the crowd with a perfect smile.  She grabs the mic for a song. The melody corkscrews into a belch. Last place."

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