It's Looking Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

When you've been sick for nearly a week and get hit by something else the second you feel better, cranky doesn't even scratch the surface. I'm afraid I don't have anything profound to talk about or any new art to share this week. However, my week long dance with two left feet and a bottle of meds opened my eyes up to something. Federal employees get 13 paid sick days a year. There is no Federal law that guarantees employees in the private sector get anything....and I'll leave it at that.

Time to liven this post up with something positive! Since my mind is drawing a blank on the subject at the moment, I dug up something fun.

Little wingless dings are such a blast! They know how to cheer a person up.

The Burpleberry News Reel 

Mr. Burple Berry was last spotted chasing down a rainbow in search of an elusive pot of gold.  One anonymous reader was able to snap this photo of him:

Before his disappearance, he dropped off the prompt for next week's Fiction Friday. He's always had an interest in "the moon." The Burpleberry News Reel looks forward to reading any and all 140 character stories revolving around the moon. Perhaps this past Fiction Friday sheds some light on Mr. Burple Berry's whereabouts.

The grass is green, full of clovers. Run, run! My short legs barely keep up.  Huffing, I lower my pot just in time; here's the rainbow.

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