Return to Tomorrow: April
I spoke too soon in my last update!
At any rate, I was able to get one drawing in for April, Omega Police, as seen in my last post. So far, so good as far as New Year resolutions go! I'm glad I've been able to keep up so far.
Books read:
2/3 -- I finally finished The Watchers out of Time by HP Lovecraft and August Derleth.
I give the book 3 stars out of 5.
The collection of stories was mostly Derleth's work. He's okay as a writer, but his stories were just too similar to each other. I only recommend this book if you are a hardcore Lovecraft fan dying for anything with a hint of Lovecraft; just don't expect Lovecraft...
...Or if you just want something easy/light to read to pass time.
I don't recommend reading this like a novel because of the similarity between stories. You'd probably get more enjoyment out of it if you read a story or two from it, read something else by another author, go back to this collection for a story or two, and so on.
At any rate, I was able to get one drawing in for April, Omega Police, as seen in my last post. So far, so good as far as New Year resolutions go! I'm glad I've been able to keep up so far.
Books read:
2/3 -- I finally finished The Watchers out of Time by HP Lovecraft and August Derleth.
I give the book 3 stars out of 5.
The collection of stories was mostly Derleth's work. He's okay as a writer, but his stories were just too similar to each other. I only recommend this book if you are a hardcore Lovecraft fan dying for anything with a hint of Lovecraft; just don't expect Lovecraft...
...Or if you just want something easy/light to read to pass time.
I don't recommend reading this like a novel because of the similarity between stories. You'd probably get more enjoyment out of it if you read a story or two from it, read something else by another author, go back to this collection for a story or two, and so on.