Return to Tomorrow: March

This month flew by. It went so fast, that I almost missed it!

I'm happy to report that I've been able to keep up with my New Years Resolutions so far. This month sported 2 projects, both of which were posted:

Is Winter Over Yet?
A Very Bester Surprise

I've been doing overtime for the past week, and I am wiped out! I will be doing it next week, and here's to crossing my fingers that they don't extend it after that! I don't know what I will do about art projects if they do--Art projects...sanity...relaxation...

I spent the bulk of this Saturday (oh, my precious, darling Saturday!) at the hospital getting stitches. This weekend sure slipped through my fingers! I'm fine though, so that's what matters I suppose.

Books read:
1/3 -- I'm still working on The Watchers Out of Time. Books of short stories take me a while to read. I'm going to pick a novel for my third book; I hate that this one is taking me this long.

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