Fan Castle Sunday: Interview with tmithc_fanpage
Welcome to the first #FanCastleSunday! Today's spotlight is on @tmithc_fanpage . It has been a pleasure interviewing everyone. If you'd like to be interviewed for a future #FanCastleSunday, drop me a line at , and I'll be happy to! And now without further ado....*drum roll* It's Interview Time! @tmithc_fanpage The Man In The High Castle Humour and Discussion Tell the world a little bit about yourself! Well, I’m like every other ordinary human who gets by everyday and LOVED The Man in the High Castle! Hence why I created the page! One of the best decisions I ever made :) What drew you to Amazon’s the Man in the High Castle? When the show first came out I remember adverts coming up for it quite a lot (especially on my kindle I had at the time!) I didn’t think much of it but was always a little intrigued. Skip forward a couple of years and I began watching the period drama Victoria where I got to...