
Showing posts from September, 2019

Fan Castle Sunday: Interview with tmithc_fanpage

Welcome to the first #FanCastleSunday!  Today's spotlight is on  @tmithc_fanpage . It has been a pleasure interviewing everyone. If you'd like to be interviewed for a future #FanCastleSunday, drop me a line at , and I'll be happy to! And now without further ado....*drum roll*  It's Interview Time! @tmithc_fanpage The Man In The High Castle Humour and Discussion Tell the world a little bit about yourself! Well, I’m like every other ordinary human who gets by everyday and LOVED The Man in the High Castle! Hence why I created the page! One of the best decisions I ever made :) What drew you to Amazon’s the Man in the High Castle? When the show first came out I remember adverts coming up for it quite a lot (especially on my kindle I had at the time!) I didn’t think much of it but was always a little intrigued. Skip forward a couple of years and I began watching the period drama Victoria where I got to...

Fan Castle Sundays: A TMITHC Fan Celebration

With November just over the horizon, Season 4 is inching closer and closer, which means that the end of the show will be here before we know it. I’ve met many wonderful people through TMITHC, fans just as dedicated as I am. I’ve made friends, I’ve laughed, and I’ve lamented over characters. I’ve even swapped things in the mail with friends across the pond! Truth be told, I don’t know what I’m going to do after Season 4. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: TMITHC has been a huge part of my life for the past couple of years. I look back at all mky Rufus Sewell drawings (ha, ha!), peg dolls, fake props, and Club High Castle and wonder what the hell am I going to do once it’s over? The thing is, fandoms last forever. TMITHC will never fade so long as we keep it alive. I’m going to Keep watching, keep creating, and keep making friends, which is why I’m going to put some of the fans in the spotlight! Join me this Sunday for the first ever #FanCastleSunday, a series of fan ...