
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Man in the High Castle - A Problematic Fav!

Once every blue moon I will discover a show that will blow me away and grip me with every emotion under the sun. [ Insert reaction gif and hashtag FEELS here! ] Before I start my review, I know full well that Amazon's Man in the High Castle is not for everyone. I mean, an alternate reality where the Nazis won is bold storytelling right there. Disclaimer: I do not support Nazism in any way, shape, or form. The following post is a review of a well written show with a diverse group of characters that is set in a “what if” reality.    Map of The Man in the High Castle's alternate reality Image is from Wikipeida with all the CC information found here The Characters The story kicks off when Juliana Crain's sister is shot by the Kempeitai for being a member of the resistance. Juliana finds out she was transporting some sort of game changing film to the Neutral Zone. Her life changes after she watches it. Meanwhile, we have the Japanese trade minister (and his str...